Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Am I Morning person or night person?

I think I was night person before I start to learn ESL.I went to bed past midnight. I couldn't sleep early because I love night time. I liked to watch movie or read or do internet alone after my children go to bed at night. I love my family, but I need the time that nobody distracts me at all for relaxing.(It's very important to me) I woke up 6:00 for preparing my children's school and then after they leave my house, I went back to bed.When I woke up it was afternoon. After I started to learn ESL, I wake up at 6:00  in the morning and then go to esl class after my children go to school. I spend morning time for learning ESL and afternoon for pick up,drop off to places for activities for my kids.I go to bed earlier than before. I have been forced to become a morning person,but it's temporarily. I am actually a morning person.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Brain Quest- new word

*assume (v) : to belive without proof

*preserve (v): to protect or save

*unique(ad):one of a kind

About Me

Hello. My name is Minsook. I am from South Korea. I have small family, a daughter,a son, a husband and I. I love them.My children are sixth grade, fourth grade. My husband works with computers.I like to watch movies, read books and eat korean food.